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Xavier Nissan, chercheur à Istem

I-Stem, coordinator of an innovative research consortium

Finding treatments for neuromuscular diseases by combining artificial intelligence, stem cells and pharmacological screening is the aim of the new DREAMS research consortium, coordinated by I-Stem. An unprecedented project!

équipe Isabelle Richard à Généthon

Limb-Girdle Muscular Dystrophy Type 2I/R9: first gene therapy results 

The first clinical results of the gene therapy for the treatment of limb-girdle muscular dystrophy type 2I/R9 show good preliminary efficacy and biological tolerability. These first results have been presented during oral communications during the 30th Annual Congress of the European Society of Gene & Cell Therapy (ESGCT) and will be presented in the 2023 International Limb-Girdle Muscular Dystrophy Conference in Washington DC.

logo lgmd awarness day

LGMD Awarness Day: Stronger Together!

The 30th of September is Limb-Girdle Muscular Dystrophy Awareness Day. At this occasion, the LGMD Interest Group of the AFM-Téléthon is planning an information day about these diseases in Evry. 

Visuel "Duchenne : breaking barriers"

World Duchenne Awareness Day: everyone mobilized !

The 10th World Duchenne Awareness Day, on September 7, is a call to action to break down the physical, social and healthcare barriers faced by the 250,000 people around the world affected by this disease. It's also an opportunity to take stock of advances in research into this disease, which is emblematic of our Association. 

Vignette - Europe

The history of myology in Europe

In an article published in July 2023, an Italian researcher traces the birth and development of myology. This medical science of muscle and its diseases has developed over time, not only thanks to the advent of tools and technologies that improve our knowledge of muscle, but also thanks to the international collaborations that have marked its history.

« Immunologie et Thérapie Génique des Maladies du Foie » de Généthon, dirigée par le Dr Giuseppe Ronzitti

Crigler-Najjar: gene therapy shows its effectiveness

Results published in The New England Journal of Medicine demonstrate the safety and tolerance for gene therapy in Crigler-Najjar syndrome as well as its efficacy at the highest dose. This rare liver disease is characterized by a toxic build-up of bilirubin in the body, which can cause significant neurological damage and become fatal. 

ADN Helice

Genother Biocluster: Accelerating the development of gene therapy drugs in France 

The Genother biocluster, dedicated to accelerating the development of gene therapy drugs, of which Genethon is one of the founders, is one of the 5 winners of the France 2030 call for expressions of interest. This labelling, announced on 16 May by the French President, will strengthen France's leadership in the field of gene therapy, one of the most dynamic areas of biomedical research.

best-of research

Protagonists of a medical revolution, researchers testify 

Their determination and expertise are at the origin of great scientific advances and major victories. Thanks to the researchers in the Telethon laboratories, children suffering from formerly incurable diseases have been saved. 

document advance in research

Advances in research: a new document is available

"Advances in Charcot-Marie-Tooth (CMT) disease" is a new document, published by the French Muscular Dystrophy Association (AFM-Téléthon), which can be read and/or downloaded here.