Families and researchers are counting on you !

Make a legacy

Published at 23/08/2022

You can pass on not only your genes. It is above all about deep convictions, to last beyond your lifetime.  

By making a bequest to AFM-Telethon, you are giving us what you hold most dear. We make it a point of honor to maintain a trusting relationship with you beginning now, and to pay tribute to you when the time comes, publicly or otherwise, as you choose.   

 AFM-Telethon will strictly respect your final wishes concerning the organization of your funeral or other private issues. Feel free to talk to us about it.   

Delphine Bisgambiglia is available to discuss your plans with you discreetly and with no obligation on your part.  

Make a bequest 

Making a bequest to an Association involves mentioning the entity of your choice in your will. It is a way to choose your heirs, to pass on your estate to a cause that is dear to us. By making a bequest to AFM-Telethon, you are ensuring that your convictions will last and offering hope for the future to patients and their families.   

For example, when you bequeath 150,000 euros to AFM-Telethon, you help to fund gene therapy trials to offer hope for treatment to children suffering from rare and disabling diseases.  

Make a gift

Making a gift to AFM-Telethon means passing on your values and experiencing this every day of your life. There are several possible gifts types, each to match a different life plan.   

  • You would like to... transfer an asset permanently   

Full ownership gift involves passing on an asset during your lifetime to individuals or associations of your choice, who then immediately become owners. Thus you are here to witness your plans take shape.   

  • You would like to... transfer an asset temporarily and claim tax exemption   

The temporary transfer of beneficial ownership involves allowing the individual or association of your choice, for a chosen period, to enjoy income from an asset such as a share portfolio for example, or rent from your property. During this period, the asset is no longer a part of your estate and you enjoy tax benefits, in terms of the French wealth tax and income taxes.   

  • You would like to... transfer an asset while retaining use of it   

Bare ownership gift allows you to continue to use an asset and the income that it generates during your lifetime.   

Thus you can make a bare ownership gift of a house to AFM-Telethon. You then continue to live in it or rent it to third parties, and only after your death does AFM-Telethon obtain full ownership and thus use of the house.  

All about gifts   
- They are established before a notary and take effect during your lifetime on the day of signature.   
- They are often used for tax optimization.   
- Contrary to bequests (which you can change as many times as you wish), gifts are irrevocable.  

For example, when you donate 50,000 euros to AFM-Telethon, you help finance young researcher programs. These programs aim to develop therapeutic concepts and achieve understanding of the causes of rare and neuromuscular diseases.  

Take out a life insurance policy

By taking out a life insurance policy benefiting AFM-Telethon, you pass on a future to children suffering from a rare or disabling disease.   

What are the benefits of a life insurance policy?   

A life insurance policy is secure and pays an amount or annuity to a designated beneficiary at the time of the policyholder’s death. It also serves to help grow a savings account. It represents security for the future and remains one of the preferred investments for French people.   

It is very flexible in terms of the amount and frequency of payments, but also of the choice of beneficiaries, and each year produces interest, while maintaining the available capital at all times.   

Why take out a life insurance policy benefiting AFM-Telethon?   

For example, when you designate AFM-Telethon as beneficiary of your 15,000 euros life insurance policy, you can help finance a stay at the Village Répit Familles for Paul and his family at a vacation center, with appropriate medical and social care. Because Paul and his loved ones deal with the disease 24/7, 365 days a year.