Myology 2022 and MitoNice 2022: registration and abstract submission are open

From September 12 to 17, 2022, AFM-Telethon will hold two international scientific congresses at the Nice Acropolis Convention Centre. You can submit your abstracts until April 30, 2022
The seventh International Myology Congress – Myology 2022 – organized by AFM-Telethon, will be aiming to report on the latest developments of fundamental research and innovative therapies for muscle and neuromuscular diseases. It will take place from September 12 to 15, 2022 at the Nice Acropolis Convention Centre. MitoNice, a new meeting dedicated to mitochondrial medicine,will follow from September 15 to 17.
Abstract submission
You are a researcher, clinician, student, biotech company, pharmaceutical company or myology expert and want to present your work to the international scientific community? You can submit your abstracts on the website until April 30, 2022. Altogether, more than 1000 international myology experts are expectedto attend this major myology meeting organized by AFM-Telethon during four days.
Plenary sessions, side events, industrial symposiums, poster area… With more than 60 international speakers and 400 poster presentations, Myology will highlight the latest developments of fundamental research and therapies for muscle, its function and pathologies. Elizabeth McNally, director of the Center for Genetic Medicine at Northwestern University's Feinberg School of Medicine in Chicago (USA) and Shahragim Tajbakhsh, director of the Stem cells and Development unit at Institut Pasteur in Paris will chair the congress.
Find out more about the Myology 2022 program here !
MitoNice, a new meeting dedicated to mitochondrial diseases
From September 15 to 17, 2022, MitoNice will then gather international experts on mitochondrial diseases.
Véronique Paquis-Flucklinger, director of the Genetics department at CHU Nice, and Valerio Carelli, chief of the Laboratory of Neurogenetics at University of Bologna’s School of Medicine, will chair the congress. A joint session with Myology 2022, dedicated to mitochondrial myopathies, will make the transition between the two congresses on the afternoon of September 15.
Find out more about the mitoNice program here.
Find out more about Myology 2022 and MitoNice 2022 at
Important dates
April 30, 2022 : abstracts submission deadline for each congress
Mi-June : abstract notification to authors
Until June 2022 : early-bird registration fees are available for both congresses