Telethon 2020: 58 290 120 euros!

At the end of the television broadcast, the counter of the 2020 Telethon shows 58 290 120 euros. Despite the health crisis, which led to the cancellation of a very large number of events in towns and villages, the French people responded positively to this extraordinary Telethon: the one presenting the greatest victories of its history. Behind these victories, there are faces, first names, children, parents, changed lives, regained motions, smiles and laughter, and life who wins.
Mathilde, mum of Hyacinthe, two years-old and affected by spinal muscular atrophy, said so: “We had been told to expect the worst for our son, that he would no longer be here, and look at him, he is here. He has more and more strength. These diseases deprived our children of everything: breath, strength, motion. These victories, we owe them to donors. Our children won the lottery of gene therapy, and I would like other children to be given this opportunity”.
For Laurence Tiennot-Herment, President of AFM-Telethon: “Before this Telethon, researchers came to this stage to say “we will do it”. Now, families who benefited from a gene therapy treatment, come here, together, to tell us “we did it”. I want everyone to keep in mind these victories, which are the results of the commitment of all those standing next to the families and researchers for the past 30 years. This moment gives us the strength to keep fighting for all the families who are still waiting for a treatment. Nobody should be left behind. The 2020 Telethon is not over. You can continue to donate at”.
The AFM-Telethon warmly thanks Matt Pokora for his sincerity, commitment, and generosity. He was an exceptional patron for an exceptional Telethon.
Many thanks to France Televisions, its teams and all its hosts, who offered an unforgettable programme in this very difficult context.
The French Telethon is, undoubtedly, a unique event in the world!