Telethon 2021: What an unbelievable result!

Through the collective mobilization of donors, volunteers, families, and partners, all united in solidarity to fight against rare diseases, the final result of the 2021 Telethon amounts to €85.933.166. Thank you!
On December 3-4, 2021, the French people once again came through for the Telethon. Propelled by people’s generosity and desire to be together, the final outcome of the 2021 Telethon reaches €85.933.166. A huge THANK YOU to everyone!
“This 2021 Telethon enabled for the conviviality of fundraising events and the pleasure of being together. It is this collective strength that helps patients and researchers move mountains and win the first victories against the disease! And it is the same collective strength that will help us multiply those victories!” said Laurence Tiennot-Herment, President of AFM-Téléthon.
Soprano, patron of the 2021 Telethon, also wishes to send a message to donors, volunteers, families and researchers of the Telethon: “Thank you, thank you, thank you for this amazing adventure that touched me deeply. I saw how your generosity changes children’s lives. I saw the researchers’ commitment, the volunteers’ energy, the families’ strength… This was an un-for-get-table moment!”
Save the date for the 2022 Telethon, on December 2-3,2022!